Volunteer Fundraiser for Veterans during COVID-19
The COVID-19 outbreak has hit the world stronger than any other. Hundreds of thousands of cases have been detected and thousands of people are dying all over the world. Leaving the world collectively in shock. The front line medical community is coming into contact with the heart of humanity that is diagnosed with COVID-19 and has been helping them recover. Others in essential services such as food delivery, public work, and so forth have also been vital instruments in supporting the effort.
My friend from HWS and I decided to step up and support a community close to us that is being impacted by COVID-19. Together we partnered with The New England Center and Home for Veterans to raise funds during this extremely difficult time.
We called this campaign 'COVID-19: They served us, let us serve them'
Located in Downtown Boston, the Mission of the NECHV is to equip Veterans who are facing or at-risk of homelessness with the tools for economic self-sufficiency and to provide them a path to achieve successful and dignified independent living. Supportive services include transitional and permanent housing, clinical, counseling, and employment services.
The NECHV’s population has a strong overlap with those who are most susceptible to COVID-19. People who are older or aging, and those who have underlying health conditions, particularly cardio-vascular, pulmonary and immune system challenges define the NECHV population. The NECHV is working with the community to prevent and/or impede the spread of COVID-19, and closely focused on the immediate responsibility of protecting the health and welfare of Veteran residents.
Our goal is to raise $5,000+ to donate directly to the NECHV.
Click here to see the new fundraiser and please consider donating!