'Charity begins at home'. What does this mean when it comes to leadership?
Charity begins at home. Then you branch out to help your community. Then your nation. Then your world.
I believe that this philosophy stands for leadership as well.
Leadership starts with yourself. Then 'at home', within your community, the nation, and the world.
Want to be an effective leader?
Lead Yourself
Become your own self motivator. Wake up early and start your day. Make your bed. Energize yourself by starting an exercise routine. Eat well. Eat everything in moderation. Challenge yourself. Leave your comfort zone. Meet new people. Form relationships, not for anyone else but yourself. Once you recognize that you are the leader of yourself, others will follow you. Admire you. See you.
Lead 'At Home'
Once you form relationships, maintain these relationships. Nurture your relationships. Take care of your family. Be a friend. Be the person someone trusts. Motivate others. Show them their worth. Be concerned for the well-being of another person. Put others ahead of yourself. Be a teammate. A colleague. A peer.
Lead Within Your Community
Take a step outside of yourself, outside of your relationships, your circles, clubs, sports teams, classmates, colleagues etc. see what you can do for others around you. Volunteer. Pick up trash alongside the road. Become a mentor. Pitch in. Work alongside others. Mobilize others.
Lead Within Your Nation.
Vote. Ask questions. Think critically. Be curious. Be disagreeable. Seek to understand the root cause of any problem. Step up to challenge ideas that come your way. Think.
Lead Within The World
Read. Watch the news. Learn a language. Care. Show compassion. Travel. Connect. Cooperate.